Why You Shouldn’t Overlook Private Credit as an Investment Opportunity

In the fast-moving world of investments, diversification is KEY, and it’s crucial not to overlook Private Credit as an attractive investment opportunity! Our new Jumpstart Loan Fund offers just that.

Here’s why:

Income Generation: Private credit offers consistent yields, especially with a focus on highly qualified entrepreneurs in the thriving business and franchise purchase space, ensuring steady income streams.

Diversification: Branch out from traditional investments. By investing in private credit, you’re stepping into a complementary asset class that enhances your portfolio’s diversity.

Potential for Attractive Returns: Private credit can often translate to returns that outpace conventional fixed-income assets like government or corporate bonds. Private credit typically has higher yields than traditional fixed-income securities, with returns ranging from 4-7% on the lower end to 12-20% on the high end of the risk spectrum.

Risk Management: Rest easy with our rigorous underwriting and compliance procedures. From UCC liens on business assets to personal guarantees from borrowers, aggressive steps are taken to mitigate portfolio risks. Moreover, our pooled investment approach spreads and manages risks efficiently.

Access to Unique Opportunities: Beyond just returns, your investment plays a pivotal role in fueling entrepreneurial aspirations. Support firsthand the growth of businesses and the economic and societal impact they can generate.

Target: We’re raising $10MM in our first round with $50,000+ investments from visionary investors like YOU!

Invest wisely, reap generously, and support entrepreneurial dreams with the Jumpstart Loan Fund!!

Learn more about private credit opportunities by watching our 5 minute video.

Disclaimer:Jumpstart Loan Fund LLC / UFS LLC do not offer any investment advice and nothing contained herein or in a follow-on email, phone call or meeting constitutes advice or a personal recommendation. These securities are being offered under an exemption provided by SEC Regulation D Rule 506(c). Only accredited investors who meet the SEC Regulation D 501 “accredited investor” accreditation standards and who provide suitable verification of accredited status may invest into this offering. -Any historical performance data represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results;-Current performance may be different than the performance data presented;-The Company is not required by law to follow any standard methodology when calculating and representing performance data;-The performance of the Company may not be directly comparable to the performance of other private or registered funds or companies;-The securities are being offered in reliance on an exemption from the registration requirements, and therefore are not required to comply with certain specific disclosure requirements;-The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed upon the merits of or approved the securities, the terms of the offering, or the accuracy of the materials.

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